Primary Care Clinicians harnessing the power of AI Scribe Technology to reduce burnout and enhance patient care
Scarborough Ontario Health Team, the Department of Family and Community Medicine at the University of Toronto and health system partners awarded a $1 million Health Care Unburdened Grant to support AI scribe technology and reduce the administrative burden facing primary care clinicians.
October 1, 2024
By: Kristen Doopan
Scarborough Ontario Health Team and the Department of Family and Community Medicine’s (DFCM) Office of Health System Partnerships, together with health system partners, have been awarded the Health Care Unburdened Grant to support the implementation and evaluation of AutoScribe, a Canadian AI scribe technology for transcribing patient-clinician conversations in real time and enhancing medical record documentation.
Funding for this multi-partner initiative to implement AI scribe technology was made possible by the Canadian Medical Association, MD Financial Management Inc. and Scotiabank as part of the Health Care Unburdened Grant.
“In family medicine, the patient-physician relationship is crucial. The need to take notes on a device or look at a screen during appointments can be a barrier to meaningful connections,” says Dr. Rajesh Girdhari, a family doctor at Unity Health Toronto, St. Michael’s Hospital, and Digital Health Lead in DFCM’s Office of Health System Partnerships. “Our goal is to investigate and accelerate the use of AI scribe technology in primary care to benefit family doctors, patients and the health system.”
Although meaningful connections are key, family physicians spend an average of 45% of their clinical hours logging data into a computer. This impacts not only the quality of clinician-patient interactions but also contributes to an increase in clinician burnout, career dissatisfaction and ultimately the shortage of primary care clinicians.
“As a user of AI scribe for over a year, three things are for certain:
My joy of practicing medicine and seeing patients has returned. I can now focus on what I went into medicine for: my patients, their stories and their care; and finally, I am so glad that from this grant we can offer this opportunity and support to our colleagues to also benefit from AI scribe.”
-Dr. Rosemarie Lall, Comprehensive Family Physician, Scarborough Family Physicians Network Co-Chair.
This two-year initiative is led by DFCM’s Office of Health System Partnerships in collaboration with East Toronto Health Partners, East Toronto Family Practice Network, North York Toronto Health Partners, North York Toronto Primary Care Network, 士嘉堡安省醫療團隊, Scarborough Family Physicians Network, KW4 Ontario Health Team, eHealth Centre of Excellence and Mutuo Health Solutions.
While there is huge interest in AI scribes among primary care clinicians, there has been limited uptake because of system variation, privacy concerns, compatibility issues and lack of change management support. This multi-partner initiative hopes to change that by not just building the tool but also helping to adapt and implement it across a wide variety of practice models and sizes.
In the coming months, the project team will be recruiting primary care clinicians in Ontario to help explore and accelerate the adoption of AI scribe technology across health care settings to benefit clinicians, patients and the Ontario health system.
The Canadian Medical Association, MD Financial Management Inc. and Scotiabank proudly support this program, one of several initiatives that comprise their $115 million commitment to supporting the medical profession and advancing health in Canada.
Virtual Urgent Care
Ontario eServices Program
SOHT, SHN, UHN Connected Care and SFPN are working together to support the scale and spread of the Ontario eServices Program to improve equitable and timely access to specialist care and community services through two digital tools, eReferral and eConsult.
If you are a provider set up on TELUS PS Suite, Accuro or Oscar Pro EMRs, eReferral enables you to launch referrals directly from the patient chart in your EMR to destinations already available in the eReferral Network. We are actively collaborating with partners to grown the number of eReferral destinations in our region.
eConsult provides a secure web-based tool for timely specialist advice, often eliminating the need for a patient visit.
如果你是在士嘉堡執業的(地區服務和/或 SHN 轄下服務提供者) 執業的專科醫生 practicing in Scarborough (community provider and/or a provider affiliated with SHN), and are interested in learning more about eReferral, eConsult or other digital health tools please 點擊此處 填寫註冊表格。
如果你是在士嘉堡執業的(地區服務和/或 SHN 轄下服務提供者) 基層醫療服務提供者 practicing in Scarborough (community provider and/or a provider affiliated with SHN), and are interested in learning more about eReferral, eConsult or other digital health tools please 點擊此處 填寫註冊表格。